• 22 Feb, 2025

10 Tips to Build Self-Confidence

10 Tips to Build Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a vital inner characteristic in any industry, but in many fields (for example, in technology, where I work), simply being a woman may cause your abilities to be questioned before you ever begin. 

I used to detest interviews because they terrified me. To help me get through it with less fear, I began imagining how one of my coworkers handled interviews and pressure in general. I reflected on how he answered to questions he didn't know the answers to, how he remained cool even when he believed the interview was going badly, and how he remained upbeat and composed even when he felt he was being mistreated. I'd mentally run through the entire interview at home, picturing myself with the same cool demeanor. 

What did I learn from this, and how do you go about developing self-confidence and fake it till you gain courage? Everyone has a lack of self-confidence from time to time, but for the purpose of your profession, you must intentionally improve on this trait. 

The Importance of Self-Confidence 

Self-confidence contributes to improved performance, as well as positive feelings about yourself and your abilities. 

When you lack self-confidence, you may fall into traps that limit your progress. For example, if you're a junior and learning at a corporation, you may develop the practice of accepting blame when things go wrong. As a result, you may believe you are foolish or incapable of addressing the situation. But it's not your fault. You're not expected to understand everything from the start. 

A lack of self-confidence might also cause you to be overly humble, hiding your accomplishments or allowing someone else to take credit. You may believe that your bosses will notice your efforts and promote you without your intervention, but this is rarely the case. You might be too bashful to do your own public relations and hope that a coworker notices and spreads the news. You cannot rely on that either. If you aren't inherently confident, you can fake it by sharing your accomplishments and creating your own publicity. 

However, self-confidence does not imply that you will never make a mistake. Everyone does, regardless of how confident they are or how long they have been in their profession. Don't become fixated on becoming perfect. Remember, better done than perfect. 

Here are ten tips to get you started: 

  • Work on your self-confidence by reading a self-help book or seeking assistance from someone else. Find a therapist to help you identify your bad tendencies. Hire a coach to help you practice being brave. Find out what causes your lack of confidence and what beliefs limit you. For example, you can think, "I am not smart enough," or "I didn't finish my project on time, so I am not a competent worker." Once you've identified these cognitive patterns, you can address them in therapy, coaching, or conversations with other women. When you notice these negative ideas, pause and consider what you would advise a friend who spoke to herself in such a cruel manner. Examine the things you say to yourself and determine whether or not they are true. Maybe you tell yourself you're too slow to produce work, but when you look back, you discover you consistently do a fantastic job. If it helps, write down the truth about your abilities so you may remember it the next time you experience self-doubt. 
  • Try something you don't believe you can do. Create a blog. Give a lecture. Present at a conference. Try something that is more difficult than your present skill level. Speaking at a conference may appear to require a high level of self-confidence, but it is actually a matter of preparation and practice. One of the most effective strategies to boost your confidence is to develop a wide range of professional talents. 
  • Participate in meetings even if you are not quite certain about the topic. Ask questions. Please share your perspective. The more you do it, the more assured you will feel. 
  • Even if you fail when taking a risk, you can learn from the experience. Separate yourself from failure. You tried something and it failed. You're not a failure. Learn from the incident and move on. 
  • Believe you are deserving of a promotion. Aim high. Ask yourself what you need to accomplish to advance to the next position. Look at the steps and begin taking them. 
  • Search for a supportive community. Find a teammate who can help you learn in areas where your existing knowledge and abilities are weak. 
  • Ask those who value you to encourage you. Find folks who can help you relax when you're nervous, such as before a big presentation. When you express how you're feeling, these pals can demonstrate how valuable you genuinely are. 
  • Change your aims. If you're worried about finding a new work, shift your focus from "finding a new job" to "getting as many interviews as possible." If you are successful in landing interviews, you have already won. You will eventually acquire a job. 
  • If you have a large task, divide it into smaller tasks. Smaller steps are typically easier to manage, both practically and emotionally, and small victories can increase your confidence. 
  • When you're afraid, envision yourself as someone who is confident—just as I did when I was nervous about an interview. Consider this individual performing what you need to accomplish. How does she handle herself? How does she speak? Consider the minor aspects and try to replicate them in your own circumstance. 

Fake It and You’ll Make It 

Do not wait until you have the confidence to take on large, meaningful tasks. Instead, create large goals and strive toward them. It's time to reconsider the old adage "fake it till you make it" and commit to the idea that when it comes to developing self-confidence and achieving the career of your dreams, the tagline is "fake it and you'll make it!"