• 31 Mar, 2025

11 Indian Startup Founders Networth

11 Indian Startup Founders Networth

Running a startup isn’t always easy — you need to think of an original idea, convince investors and raise money, and then battle competitors, suppliers and even government regulators. But if you manage to emerge unscathed, the rewards can be very lucrative. And India’s richest startup entrepreneurs will gladly attest to that.
More than two dozen startup founders in India have managed to garner net worths of more than Rs. 1000 crore, and that too before reaching the age of 40. The list of Hurun’s self-made individuals under the age of 40 is led by Zerodha founder Nithin Kamath, who is worth a staggering Rs. 17,500 crore. The list includes the founders of popular startups including Flipkart and Razorpay, while Oyo’s Ritesh Agarwal is the youngest on the list with a net worth of Rs. 6,300 crore.

Here are the richest startup founders in India under the age of 40.

1.Nikhil Kamath, Zerodha 
Rs. 17,500 crore
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Nithin Kamath, the founder of Zerodha, tries to maintain a quiet profile, but he may have created one of the most amazing companies on the list. Although Zerodha has never sought outside capital, it currently posts annual earnings of more over Rs. 1000 crore. Zerodha was established in 2007 and introduced the discount broking model to India by enabling users to buy and sell stocks for a significant discount compared to the competition. Nithin Kamath's net worth has increased to Rs. 17,500 crore as Zerodha has surpassed industry titans ICICI and HDFC to become the largest stock broker in the nation.

2. Bhavish Aggarwal, Ola
Rs. 11,700 crore
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Ola had been established as a ride-hailing organization as far as possible back in 2011, yet it's made considerable progress from that point forward. Ola has tried different things with food conveyance, cloud kitchens, staple conveyance and in any event, selling utilized vehicles. While not every one of its drives have worked out, it's figured out how to set up the world's biggest bike production line in Tamil Nadu, and sent off its own electric bike. How Ola Electric contends with laid out automakers like Bajaj and Mahindra is not yet clear, yet Ola's ride hailing business and its electric vertical give Ola pioneer Bhavish Aggarwal a total assets of Rs. 11,700 crore.

3. Divyank Turakhia, Media.met
Rs. 11,200 crore
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Divyank Turakhia made his fortune by selling promotion serving startup Media.net to Russian financial backers for $900 million. The 40-year previous lifestyles life extra large in Dubai, flying planes and cruising in yachts. He's third on the rundown of India's most extravagant startup pioneers with a total assets of Rs. 11,200 crore.

4, 5. Nakul Aggarwal and Ritesh Arora, Browserstack
Rs. 9,990 crore
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Browserstack isn't exactly an easily recognized name in India, yet it's constructed an enormously effective SaaS business for itself no different either way, with its apparatus assisting web engineers with testing their code in various programs and conditions. The organization had been established in 2011 by Ritesh Arora and Nakul Aggarwal, who'd got going structure a device to assist with testing their own code. The organization was quickly productive, and was making $20 million in yearly income when it raised financing without precedent for 2017. BrowserStack's new valuation of $4 billion, and the moderately low weakening to outer financial backers, gives pioneers Nakul Aggarwal and Ritesh Arora a total assets of Rs. 9,900 crore each.

6. Binny Bansal, Flipkart
Rs. 8,100 crore

Binny Bansal is one of the poster young men of the Indian startup environment, having sold Flipkart to Walmart in what is as yet the greatest arrangement in the Indian startup space. Since his uber exit, Bansal has turned angel investor, and has effectively put resources into numerous new companies. He is 6th on the rundown with a total assets of Rs. 8,100 crore.

7. Ritesh Aggarwal, Oyo Rooms
Rs. 6,300 crore
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Oyo Rooms was once India's second-most elevated startup with a valuation of around $10 billion, however at that point the Coronavirus pandemic hit, and its business come to a standstill. The organization has been hoping to recuperate as of late, and has even revealed a changed EBITA-positive quarter. Indeed, even as the organization shifts focus over to now open up to the world, its kid pioneer Ritesh Agarwal is as of now worth a cool Rs. 6,300 crore.

8,9. Harshil Mathur and Shashank Kumar, Razorpay
Rs. 5,500 crore
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Razorpay had gotten going as a little installments organization in Jaipur, yet has now turned into a fintech juggernaut — it controls every kind of installments, and even empowers little and medium organizations to begin gathering installments from their clients right away. The organization has ventured into a few verticals, including advances, finance programming, and, surprisingly, corporate Mastercards, and originators Harshil Mathur and Shashank Kumar- - matured only 31 and 32 — are worth Rs. 5,500 crore each.

10. Neha Narkhede
Rs. 4,700 crore
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There was practically nothing to recommend toward the beginning of Neha Narkhede's vocation that she'd wind up on the rundown of the most extravagant independent Indians — she's concentrated on Software engineering at College of Pune, and had then moved to the US for her MS. She then worked at Prophet, and afterward continued on toward LinkedIn. However, at LinkedIn, she and two partners quit and established an organization named Blended, which helps organizations screen and deal with their information continuously with its foundation. Blended opened up to the world in June last year, and Neha Narkhede is the main lady on the most extravagant startup organizers list with a total assets of Rs. 4,700 crore.

11. Alakh Pandey
Rs. 5000 crore
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The freshest participant to the rundown is Phyicaswallah pioneer Alakh Pandey. His story is the stuff of what startup dreams are made of — Pandey had begun a Youtube channel showing Physical science, however it ultimately developed into a monstrous organization which is presently a unicorn. Pandey's Phyicswallah stakes provides him with a total assets of Rs. 5,000 crore, and makes him the eleventh most extravagant startup organizer in India younger than 40.